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2009-05-16 - 5:41 p.m.

Mideona checked Cherry in the back to see she was still comatose from the sedative she sprayed in a large dose onto the hand cloth back at the conapt. When it occurred to her, as she was pulling things out of the glove compartment, that there was a catonic person behind her, it made all of her activited all the mor thrilling.

She found two umarked keys so she assumed that one of them would be the one Dizzel was asking for. She placed both of the keys onto the driver side seat and started tofo through the paperwork.

The manual for the car only spoke of enhancements for the hover car and nothing about the actual one she sat in. When she came upon a seciruity booklet is when she became really engaged.

She found the corresponding button on the front of the dashboard to activate the security system.

That turned out to be a mistake.

"Cherry, why are you not in the driver's seat."

The metalliz voice startled Mideona.

"Cherry, why do you have diminished vital signs?"

Mideona felt the security in the hover car scanning the cab of the car.

"Intruder, can you answer in place of Cherry?"

Mideona pushed the top of the passenger chair to its limit, making the chair straight. The top of the chair covered Cherry's legs.

"I am trying to help Cherry, um, hove car."

Mideona lunged into the back of the cab.

"Intruder, should I summon the authorities?"


She discovered the dead weight that CHerry held when she lifted her upper body. Mideona was able to pull Cherry into a sitting position. She grabbed the two keys and placed them onto the passenger seat. She lowered the top of the driver's seat then pushed Cherry onto it. She raised the the top of the passenger seat and flung Cherry's legs toward the driver side of the cab. Mideona knocked herself onto her back upon the passenger seat when trying to lift Cherry's legs over her head. On the floors of the passenger seat was a booklet on the set-up for the hover car security system.

Mideona grabbed the manual. She found the re-programming page and started pushing buttons on the dashboard console.

"Error in re-programming. New number of people not changed fro two to three."

Mideona read the chapter on re-programming the system and pushed more buttons.

"Re-programming successful, number of people in the hover car can now be up to three. Place index finger tip onto portal to confirm security change."

A portal on the dashboard lit up and Mideona put Cherry's index finger onto it.

Mideona found a chapter on selling the hover car and replacing the primary driver's information. It looked long and indepth. She found a chapter that gae the sub-routine to turn the security program off. Luckily, it was not as long as changing the primary driver. She pushed a few buttons and turned the security system off.

She saw Dizzel returning to the hover car in a full sprint as she gathered herself from the ordeal with the security of the car.


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