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2009-02-20 - 8:36 a.m.

Although the collapse happened in 2009, the beginning of the end was in 2001. It was called a terrorist attack in the history books. The agenda of the terrorists was to bring America, and it's lifestyle, down. America had become a great evil by that point in the eyes of the terrorists and it was time for retribution.

The terrorists knew that their attack would lead America into a state of war. It would have been the first time that a super power could chose peace over war and the terrorists pushed the final domino on the American Empire.

The terrorist attack led to the super power becoming involved in two wars. The one in Afghanistan was to attack those who attacked America. The one in Iraq was the first of many mistakes. They were all mistakes that the American Empire tried to throw money at to contain.

While fighting two wars on two different stages, the infrastructure of the empire began to crumble. The housing crisis led to many monuments to the way life once was. Neighborhoods were decimated as the middle class began to suffer losses. Houses were tombs for a time lived beyond the means of most citizens.

With so many unable to pay their home loans, the mortgage companies began to default on their loans. These epic loans soon created holes in the portfolios of the banks that issued the mammoth lines of credit.

And the government kept throwing money at these institutions. The states started to go broke next. The government started to throw money at its citizens so they could start the economy back up again. The economy in the final days was pushed by consumer spending and the majority of those cnsumers were buying on credit.

Then the job market collapsed, more loans went into default, more houses became tombs and the government no longer knew where to throw the money at to fix the problem.

The expenses of the empire had become too great. When inflation hits a certain, critical, point then money cannot have value anymore. It is not even worth the paper it is printed on.

The financial system collapsed in 2009 and now one hundred years later America is still picking up the pieces.

The expected population boom was staved off by mass starvation. The tomb houses soon became homes again to the survivors. The wealthy were the enemy in the new Civil War.

There was no attack from outside forces. The American economy was a lynch pin in the world's economy. The terrorists that were forced to hide in caves after their attack in 2001 were the ones prepared for the anarchy they wrought.


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