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2015-12-26 - 9:39 a.m.

I haven't posted at since December of 2010 and let me tell you that I have been moving forward rapidly since and from that point. I am here at the moment (here being some region of cyberspace) because I think my Entertainment Magazine column is on a permanent hiatus. The publisher, Bob Zucker, changed the format a few times but it seems that his life moved him forward as well. He was very good to me and thanks to him I had been read everyday for a very long time. I am still read everyday but it is through my social media outlets ( as opposed to the opinion columns I had been doing once a month or so the last few years at the Entertainment Magazine. I find many of my contemporaries are also swift movers through this life (the region outside of cyberspace). As the producer of numerous productions the past few years, I have learned that all I have to do to get the shots I need is get all of my fast moving contemporaries (the actors, cinematographers, producers and editors) pointed in the same direction at the same moment in time. My sets are such a blur for that reason, all of the momentum from all of the amazing people I work with rises us all to a level that I emotionally descend from after the filming is finished for the day. My production company now is .14 Productions (named after a fantasy footbal victory I earned a few seasons ago) and this current production company is short a few people who were with me when I ran the Tucson Film Club. Darren Montgomery shot both Jen X and Beodog then he married his sweetheart and they moved to Canada. When I filmed On the Cusp of Heaven (later to become Disastrous), I shot the project myself. I gave a cursory look for someone else to shoot the movie but really knew that I would take care of it. I have not really improved as a cinematographer (despite shooting like 20 movie shorts and videos) so we are looking for a DP now and had Jesse Jackson (not the reverend) film a scene in our latest project, KWP: Man vs. Machine. The other person .14 Productions is missing is Heather Smith. She is missed most by me when the blur of my set begins because she was very good at slowing down the pace. There are moments when I am directing the other actors, acting myself as well as setting the scene to shoot. In those moments, the process takes over and things get forgotten. The worst feeling in the world of post-production (the region outside of pre-production and, um, production) is when we are editing and we do not have enough coverage shots to fill the scene I wrote. We fix it in editing, don't get me wrong, but I miss Heather's presence when I see that I messed up a shot and didn't even know it until I sat down to do the pre-edit where I find the shots I want and the times to use. I have been having dreams where Heather and I are working together on dreamlike projects that I cannot quite grasp. I think that means something because I have not really dreamed of her since she left me in November of 2009. I am going to write her a letter actually, something that I have not done in a few years. I am wondering if my dreaming of her is a sign of vexation or angst from her that vibed its way to me (in the region outside of life and cyberspace) and it is worth the stamp to find out. Can you vibe that I read a ton of Stephen King?


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